PlayUK in PriFest


Each year, PriFest focuses on a specific country or region with the aim to promote their cinematography in close cooperation with respective embassies.

This year, the PriFest Focus Program is a result of a successful cooperation with the British Council. It brings special attention to British Cinema, which is known to have a great impact all over the world. This year’s program is called PlayUK.

PlayUK is British Council initiative which came to life last year. It is a special platform with the objective to promote British Cinema in Balkan countries.

We proudly present PlayUK delighted that the selection of films that will be screened have already proven to be successful in festivals around the world. Now it is time for their Kosovo premieres.

The full list of PlayUK films is as follows:

1) Film stars don’t die in Liverpool
2) Beast
3) The Party
4) England is mine
5) Arcadia
6) Apostasy
7) God’s own country



Film stars don’t die in Liverpool - Paul McGuigan

The story of the playful, but passionate relationship between Peter Turner, a young British actor, and the eccentric Academy Award-winning actress Gloria Grahame (who rose to fame in the 1940s) in her later years.What starts as a vibrant affair between a legendary femme fatale and her young lover, quickly grows into a deeper relationship, with Turner being the one person she allows herself to turn to for comfort and strength. But, their passion and lust for life is ultimately tested to the limits by events beyond their control.Based on the memoir by British actor Peter Turner.

Film stars don’t die in Liverpool - Paul McGuigan /105 min / UK 2017


Beast - Michael Pearce

In a small island community, a troubled young woman falls for a mysterious outsider who empowers her to escape her oppressive family. When he comes under suspicion for a series of brutal murders, she defends him at all costs and learns what she is capable of.

Beast - Michael Pearce / 107 min / UK 2017


The Party - Sally Potter

A comedy wrapped around a tragedy, which unfolds in real time in a house in London in the present day. Janet is hosting an intimate gathering of friends to celebrate her promotion to Shadow Minister of Health in the party of opposition. Her husband, Bill, seems preoccupied. As their friends arrive, some of whom have their own dramatic news to share, the soirée gradually unravels. An announcement by Bill provokes a series of revelations that rapidly escalate into all-out confrontation. As people’s illusions about themselves and each other go up in smoke, along with the canapes, the party becomes a night that began with champagne but ends with blood on the floor.

The Party - Sally Potter / 71 min / UK 2017


England is mine - Mark Gill

Steven, better known as Morrissey, frontman of iconic band The Smiths, is a restless young man struggling to escape his working class roots. He dreams of being in a band, writing music and flying clear of the daily grind.One evening lurking in the shadows at a gig he meets Linder: artistic, literate, intelligent, she is all he sees in himself. They fast become confidants, his courage and sense of purpose increasing day by day. Suddenly a chance encounter with guitarist Billy leads to a first gig. But Billy and Linder cannot support Steven forever, each making their own escape to the bright lights of London. Can Steven find his own path?

England is mine - Mark Gill / 93 min / UK 2017


Arcadia - Paul Wright / 78 min / UK 2017

From the earliest days of movie-making to the present day, through rare and unseen footage, we see the changing relationship the British have with their land. From images of local celebrations and festivals to agricultural practices through the seasons, village life and lost crafts.

Arcadia -Paul Wright / 78 min / UK 2017


Apostasy - Daniel Kokotajlo

As devout Jehovah’s Witnesses, sisters Alex and Luisa and their mother, Ivanna, are united in The Truth. Alex looks up to her confident older sister, while striving to follow in Ivanna’s footsteps as a ‘good Witness’. But when Luisa starts to question the advice of the Elders, she makes a life-altering transgression that threatens to expel her from the congregation. Unless Ivanna and Alex can persuade her to return, they must shun her completely. This challenge becomes more painful when their family is faced with another heartbreaking test of faith.

Apostasy -Daniel Kokotajlo / 96 min / UK 2017


God's own country - Francis Lee

Young Johnny is running his ailing father’s farm in Yorkshire, England. The communication between father and son reflects their adverse living and working conditions, the father’s utterances mostly being restricted to terse criticism of his son. Johnny’s grandmother plays her part stoically. A frustrated Johnny endures his strenuous daily routine. In a bid to escape the harsh daily grind, he has no-strings sex with men, or gets drunk at the local pub. In the spring, a farm hand is taken on for the season. Romanian Gheorghe is the same age as Johnny, who at first eyes him with suspicion. The initial tension between the two men soon gives way to an intense relationship. This opens up completely new prospects but also presents new challenges for Johnny. In his feature-length debut, Francis Lee finds authentic images to depict farm life as one of privation. His film concentrates on the glances and gestures of his characters and their immediate physicality. The archaic landscape of ‘God’s own country’ as the locals call their county, perfectly reflects the turmoil going on inside the protagonists.

God’s own country -Francis Lee / 104 min / UK 2017