New competition category revealed: Short films

The newest competition category of PriFest is: Short Films. Films up to 25 minutes from around the globe were eligible to apply for the 13th edition of PriFest.
And the result is fantastic: 13 films from 10 countries from around the globe, with wonderful diversity in styles. Some of them have had previous success in big festivals, some of them starting their international journey at PriFest. But, all of them were carefully selected and curated for our first year of this category at PriFest.
Out of 13 films in competition, there will be 2 International Premieres, 1 European, 1 Regional and all of them will have Kosovan Premieres at PriFest.
PriFest wants to thank Norika Sefa for the contribution in the selection of films in the Short Films category.

Full line-up of Short Films Competition program:

1.       THE APPLE OF MY EYE by François SZABOWSKI, France, 19 min.

International Premiere

Michel, an eye surgeon, is devastated by the lost of his daughter, killed in an accident. The arrival at the emergency service of the man who caused his daughter’s death turns upside down his moral positions. Should he use the power of life and death he has on his patient in order to avenge his daughter, or should he respect the Hippocratic Oath and heal him ? He has the time of the operation to make his decision.

2.   GRANDMOTHER by Eduart Grishaj, Albania, 15 min.

International Premiere

In the north of communist Albania, in an isolated mountain village, the life of a family will change forever. Patriarchal norms and traditions have transformed the inhabitants. Shpresa, only 17-year-old, suddenly reveals she is pregnant from a secret love affair. Shpresa's mom does her best to stop her daughter in giving birth to this baby. Sokol, Shpresa's father, unaware of his daughter's pregnancy, asks for the help of the village nurse, Theresa, as he thinks Shpresa is severely ill. The girl's mother puts the nurse ahead of an accomplished fact, to abort the child, who would permanently stain the family with shame, even if it risked her daughter's life.

3.       PAIN by Anna Duckworth, New Zealand, 9 min.

European Premiere

Seven year old Sarah idolises her Dad. Watching his indoor cricket game is one of her favourite pastimes. She wants to be just like him.

One afternoon, at what seems to be a routine game, Sarah is cheering Dad on from the sidelines when Dad catches a ball badly, injuring his finger. His guttural scream instantly hushes the entire sports complex. Sarah is paralysed. She barely recognises him; red faced, clutching his hand and crying.

In the sanctuary of the locker changing rooms, Sarah explores and tests theories about what has happened with her Dad. She questions who her father is while struggling to grasp the concept of pain, both inside and out.

Having found an apparent conclusion, Sarah returns to an apologetic Dad, and decides to put his promises to the test.

4.       VLORA by Erblin Nushi, Kosovo/ USA, 14 min.

Regional Premiere

In order to teach her children about independence, Vlora has to take a job that requires her to leave the house.

5.       THE SILENCE OF THE RIVER by Francesca Canepa, Perù, 14 min.


Juan, a 9 year-old Peruvian boy, lives with his silent dad in a floating house on the breathtaking Amazon River. Through an oniric journey into the rainforest jungle, he will discover the truth about his dad.

6.       STORE POLICY by Sarah Arnold, France, 17 min.


Lea begins a summer job as a cashier in a large supermarket chain. In an empty and cold environment, she soon discovers the underlying violence of the work place.

7.       SHAKIRA by Noemie Merlant, France, 25 min.


While trying to save her family from a return to the street, Shakira, a young gypsie woman, meets Marius, a member of a robber gang...

8.    A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY by Joel Curtz, France, 13:30 min.


It's summer. Lazare picks up two hitchhikers who make him change his plans.

9.   EGGSHELLS by Slava Doytcheva, Bulgaria, 15 min.

On Easter day, when her girlfriend picks family over her, Nevena dyes two red eggs and sets on a journey to meet her own estranged father.

10.   El REMANSO by Sebastián Valencia Muñoz, Colombia, 19 min.


Hoping for a new job, a family of wandering peasants settles in El Remanso, a country house in ruins full of brushwood where the tracks of an atrocious past are visible.

11.   AL- SIT by Suzannah Mirghani-Sudan, Qatar (20min)


An arranged marriage in a cotton-farming village in Sudan. Does 15-year-old Nafisa have a choice?

12.       FALEMINDERIT by Nicolas Neuhold, Luxembourg, 13 min.

Kosovo Premiere

In 1921 a Luxembourgish cartographer visits Albania to prepare maps for the newly independent country. He gets to report to the chaotic Paris Conference of Ambassadors. An observation he made will change the outcome of the diplomatic gathering.

13.       LA BOCA DEL DIABLO by Gabriela García Rivas, Mexico, 13 min.


There is a cave perceived as a “bottomless pit” Locals believe that the crevice reaches the gates of hell. That is the way the Devil comes to Earth and spreads his evilness, protected by darkness. One day, at school, Daniel is challenged by his classmates to go to the cave at dusk. Armed with holy water, he arrives at the appointment; this is the story of how Daniel meets the Devil.

Join us at the 13th edition of PriFest from 24-29 August 2021.