Best Pitch competition winners were announced last night


After a day filled with presentations, the two winners of the 'Best Pitch' competition were announced in front of the National Theatre.

The jury that included representatives from the Ministry of Culture of Turkey and TRT (Turkish Radio Television) decided to give the prize of 1500 euros to the project named 'Sirin' (Montenegro), a project with Claudia Bottino and Senad Sahmanovic as its screenwriters.

The second winner of the night was 'Hive' (Kosovo) by Blerta Basholli. This project won an amount of 80,000 euros for post-production services, a prize that was given after an agreement between PriFest and South African Company 'DEEPEND Production'. This project was chosen by the international jury, whose members were Cheryl Johnson, Jan Kean and Faruk Güven.