
PriFest presents the competitive films in the medium-length category, a program featuring a diverse range of films from four European countries. This year, two world premieres and two international premieres will be showcased, offering a varied and complex perspective on cinematic art in this unique format. The program explores profound and sensitive themes that challenge perceptions and invite reflection.

AND THE WIND WEEPS by Aulona Selmani, Switzerland / Regional Premiere (25min)

Daut, a survivor of a massacre where his son was killed, has been rehearsing a letter for 20 years on what he will say if Hague ever calls him to testify for the horrors he has seen that day. The burden of memories gets heavier when he gets the news that his brother died of an illness, making Daut the only last survivor to remember the event. His mind starts to fail him on important details of the testimony. He might never bring justice for his son. For his brother. For his friends. Will the dead forgive him for giving up and being handed over to oblivion?

THE SMUGGLERS OF SILENCE by Olivier Simon, France / Regional Premiere (42min)

On the other side of Paris, one evening or another: A blonde woman, straight out of a film noir, explores Paris in search of a mysterious man with a suitcase, a mute smuggler of Irma Vep's memories. The latter flees along the railroad tracks, followed by a third man, an enigmatic musician or random narrator.

WHY DIG WHEN YOU CAN PLUCK by Cambria Matlow, USA / European Premiere (51min)

Mother-filmmaker Spring takes her family camping on the Oregon coast, where she imagines she’ll find inspiration. Repulsed by her volatile husband and too busy working to play with her defiant kid, Spring writes, smokes pot and photographs the landscape. The family’s lonely, messed-up dynamics echo the solitary seastacks on the horizon. Tensely moving between realism, deadpan humor and quiet devastation, Spring’s heart breaks as she comes to terms with the choices she’s willing to make. WHY DIG WHEN YOU CAN PLUCK challenges norms around mothers, families and female artists while exploring themes of trust, violence, and love.

THE GREEN INK by Paweł Wyszomirski, Poland / Regional Premiere (50min)
A rebellious audio engineering student is detained by the police for brandishing a firearm at the university. Her scientific career hangs in the balance, but Kasia gets one last chance from her supervisor. However, the conditions set by her professor for remaining at the university seem absurd.

The 16th edition of PriFest will be held from September 10-15, 2024.

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